Help Refugees Feel at Home

Globally, refugees are forced to flee from their native countries to find safety in foreign country. On the news we see a growing proliferation of horrifying circumstances pushing people to migrate, seeking safety in potentially as equally if not more hostile countries. The reasons of shifting include civil war, extreme poverty, and hunger. There is a host of other heinous crimes that prey on individuals or their families separately from lager groups in a region such as ethnic cleansing (genocide) or religious conflict. Even as travel and access to resources have seen an improvement with globalization, they are still privileges for smaller number of people than we can hope for.

Animated Muslim Refugee Family

Refugees’ vs Asylum seekers
The term asylum seekers is given to individuals who seek protection from another country after fleeing persecution or extreme human rights violations. Since seeking asylum is a basic human right recognized internationally, countries usually accept asylees as refugees. However, only after an assessment process is conducted can asylees claim or be recognized as refugees – not before that. Asylees ultimately remain without a legal status in their potential host country until the legal processes to be recognized finalized.

Some countries facing civil war leaves millions of their natives displaced, either within the country or outside much like the Syrian refugee crisis . Families experience great distress due to serious conflicts, brutal violence ending in fatalities, destruction of property, and psychological impact. The Syrian civil war crisis left 13.5 million Syrians displaced of which 6.8 million are now asylum seekers.

War-torn conditions divided the country; it brought on economic despair, making job search more difficult while also compromising safely securing basic necessities such as food.

Children from conflict regions suffer the most. They experience life-long negative impacts emotionally, psychologically and even developmentally due to violence, from the lack of food, shelter, stability and humanitarian support.

Muslim child with hands raised

In war-torn countries such as Syria and Afghanistan, non-profit and aide have been instrumental in supporting resettlement and safe access to basic needs. Once resettlement can be secured outside of the conflict area, government and non-profit/community organizations can guide refugees to build a life, help them feel welcomed and wanted. We at Atlasia had the honor of partnering with Mozaic DMV, to create a campaign that would help ease the struggle of our new friends.

Trays of food for refugees in MOZAIC's care

Mozaic DMV
Mozaic DMV, an NPO/501(c) established in 2016 provides freshly prepared, healthy, and halal food to Syrian and Afghan refugees. Raghad Bushnaq, the Executive Director and her team, ensure each family and individual receives the most basic of necessities – food, shelter, and support. Mozaic offers job training and supports resettlement, while running workshops for individuals to learn, grow, and transition. The NPO focuses on empowering women and children so that they can in turn support themselves while being contributing members of their new communities.

Atlasia Kids Magazine Cover

Atlasia Kids’ Launchgood!
We, at Atlasia Kids Magazine, believe in a partnership that builds and teaches social responsibility within our communities. We embrace the Islamic tradition and the prophetic practice of helping not only our family and friends, but all in our community as the need calls for it.

We are proud to partner with Mozaic DMV because of the dedication and dignity they sustain for the refugee community it serves. Mozaic is a vibrant and motivated organization doing the work necessary in addressing basic needs of humanitarian crises.

Atlasia family eating food

Atlasia Kids and Mozaic: Shared Values
 We believe all humans deserve basic human rights, particularly food and safety.
 Children should have safe spaces to call home and opportunities to thrive.
 Good food, livelihood, and a sense of belonging to a community are factors that drive individuals to become productive members of society.

We want to nurture resilient children and model how to respond to community and humanitarian crises. We want our new friends to feel welcomed on our shores. Hence, in a rare opportunity of offering Atlasia Kids issues as gifts to donors, we partnered with Mozaic DMV in fundraising for Afghan and Syrian refugees.

Help refugees feel at home with Atlasia Kids

Join Us!
Carry forth asylees just a little further so they can find a home, begin to rebuild, and become the neighbors we want living next door. Please consider donating to our campaign on and/or share with friends and family. Every dollar counts. Your donations can also be tax deductible!