The new issue of Atlasia is fully packed with fun pages and beautiful stories!
Subscribe today to join the fun!

What are you waiting for?
- What if earth had no mountains?
- The Greatest Mathematician
- Sunnah of making Dua
- Tiny spiders’ big adventure
- Grandparents: our superheroes in disguise
Endorsed by our Leaders
I am overwhelmed by how good this magazine is in content, attention to the ages, plenty of fun intertwined with Islamic values, inclusive of different ethnicities, abilities, and wonderful illustrations.
Dr.Freda Shamma Ed.D. in Education: Curriculum and Instruction
In United States & Western world, where Muslim children are deprived of sound Islamic knowledge, Atlasia has filled a great vacuum. The magazine presents Islamic values, arts & culture in a very attractive fashion. Children love its beautiful design & attractive style. I wish great success to authors & producers of this magazine.
Inamul Haq — Professor of Religion, Elmhurst University
Artfully produced, each issue features ideas that explore meaningful themes on how our children can live lives that reflect the fullness of what it means to be Muslim today. The stories in Atlasia are authentic and powerful, the art is alluring and evocative, the lessons are profound and timeless. This magazine challenges mind, strengthens the faith, and balances intellect and imagination perfectly.”
Dr. Senad Agić — Head Imam Bosniak Muslim Community of America
Atlasiakids is a much needed addition to building a well-rounded Muslim child who is both connected to their faith and excited to learn about it. I recommend it for parents, schools, community centers and anyone interested in fun activities with a purpose.
Yahiya Emerick — Children's Author
The magazine Atlasia is genius. It is interesting, well written, beautifully designed, and chock full of fun activities for children of all ages. This is the kind of magazine I wished for in my early years as a young mom, and I am so excited to gift a subscription to my grandchildren.